Polar Bear Awakening, Ink on toned paper, © 2018 R.L. Delight Fine Art |
Inktober week is done and I drew 33 ink drawings in total! This
is number 32. I originally drew it as a thank you to all those who
followed my progress on social media. I am sharing it here as this is
Polar Bear Week! So, what is next?
I have participated
in month-long daily challenges before and have always benefited from
them in terms of my art. Usually, I just picked up where I left off and
continued on. This challenge was different in many ways. First, I had
never used ink as a drawing medium. Second, I have only just started
drawing animals (not counting my teen years spent drawing animals from
magazine photos). I struggled with drawing in ink for the entire month,
however, even I could see the improvement in the handling of the medium
day by day. While I am generally satisfied with my progress, I also
recognize that I have a ways to go.
What I hadn't
anticipated when I first set out to take on this challenge, was that I
would fall so deeply in love with drawing animals and all that goes with
it. Taking on animal art, I had to break with my practice of not using
photo reference and only drawing from life or imagination. I haven't
used photo reference in my art because I just don't resonate with photos
like I do with my subjects in real life.
I have spent many days this summer sketching animals
at the Oregon Zoo which is a one and a half to two hour drive, one way,
over the coastal range from my house. With a few exceptions, I have
used my own video footage, live webcams, and my sketches as reference
for these drawings. A couple times I used my own photo reference.
now it is time to go deeper. I had already begun to learn animal
anatomy before I took on the Inktober challenge. Now I am going back and
learning with purpose and determination. I need to have the ability to
sketch and draw animals from life and imagination. That is going to take
a bit time and a lot of work. Thank goodness we have so many resources
these days with online classes and tutorials. Nothing beats working hard
and drawing everyday as I continue to do.
I am
looking at printing services until I can afford my own quality printer
and scanner. I will be selling prints and cards of the best sketches I
did and of future finished drawings. I will also be posting small
paintings for sale this week. I need to clean out my studio, so the
paintings will be at sale prices from now until December 30th. A
percentage of the proceeds from every sale will go to environmental and
animal protection organizations. Some will be local and some will be
national and international.
Well, this is a long post
but I wanted to share some of the growth and changes that have been
happening in my studio. Thanks for reading this far!
Go find the beauty in this week!