© 2012 R.L. Delight, Twill |
Here is Twill giving me a look that reminds me to get to work!
Actually, I have been working very hard which is why I have fallen off my blog schedule. I am working hard to finish up the painting I have posted about. April has arrived and I didn't have it completely finished. I got stuck a few times. One issue was that I needed to have some photo references of children. I found some online but I really prefer, and I think now require, my own photo references. I was wondering how I was going to accomplish that as we don't have many small children in town. In fact almost none unless it is vacation time.
Fortunately for me, the Spring Break crowds arrived as well as a small break in the weather so I could snap pics of children playing on the beach.
I didn't need a lot of detail for the pictures, just the unique gestures that kids have when they play with sand and water. So now, having obtained the pictures and hopefully leaping the final hurdle, I will get the painting finished.
Fingers crossed that I will be posting the finished painting on Wednesday. Back to the studio!
Can't wait to see it!!! But Twill is awfully cute.
I'm really looking forward to it !
Thanks for the encouraging comments. Not finished as I had hoped but getting so close. It seems to be one of those paintings that won't be coming together until the final moment. It will be very gratifying to see it done!
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